This tracker is based on soli's OoT tracker.
-Green checks are ones that are logically accessible. Yellow checks are accessible out of logic. Orange checks are peekable but inaccessible.
-Input the code for an item/song in the picture text box next to a check. You can also left click on the text to mark it as junk.
-Capitalize the third letter of the code to "peek" it, or capitalize the first letter of the code to "hint" it. Peeked or hinted checks will not be counted as obtained until you click the check text.
-You can right-click the text for an item in the summary area at the top-right to toggle if you have that item or not. Alternatively, you can click the image for an item.
-Input abbreviations for hint areas in the Foolish and WOTH boxes to track those. Put a * before the abbreviation for a "foolish except song" area.
-An alternate way of inputting always/sometimes hints is by putting a location code and the three letter item code (or x for nothing) into the text area on their own line. For example, to hint "Swamp Spider House Reward" as Bomb Bag, type "swa bom" on its own line in the text area above the "Reset Cycle" button.
-Press Ctrl+Z to undo the last item input.
-Click the "Reset Cycle" button to unmark items you lose when you play Song of Time.
-To set a dungeon as junked (for Blitz settings), right click on the corresponding Remains image. This will also remove checks locked by beating that dungeon.
-You can also hold Ctrl and left click an item in the summary area to undo the check containing that item.
-To start the simulator click the "Play the Sim" button and select a spoiler log (only Blitz tested).
-Left click a check to get it. Right click a check to peek it. You can then left or right click the peeked check again to obtain it.
-If you peek a check which is not freestanding, it will tell you that you found an gilded chest. large ones are labeled by "???", and small ones are labeled by "?". You can left click the check again to obtain the item there.
-Click a Gossip Stone check (colored pink) to get a hint.
Item codes:
x - Junk
bow - Bow
fir - Fire Arrow
ice - Ice Arrow
lig - Light Arrow
bom - Bomb Bag
bea - Magic Bean
pow - Powder Keg
pic - Pictograph Box
len - Lens of Truth
hoo - Hookshot
gfs - Great Fairy Sword
swo - Sword Upgrade
mir - Mirror Shield
mag - Magic Upgrade
wal - Wallet Upgrade
roo - Room Key
spe - Special Delivery to Mama
let - Letter to Kafei
bot - Bottle
gol - Gold Dust
moo - Moon's Tear
lan - Land Title Deed
swa - Swamp Title Deed
mou - Mountain Title Deed
oce - Ocean Title Deed
pos - Postman's hat
all - All-Night Mask
bla - Blast Mask
sto - Stone Mask
dek - Deku Mask
kea - Keaton Mask
bre - Bremen Mask
bun - Bunny Hood
sce - Mask of Scents
gor - Goron Mask
rom - Romani Mask
kaf - Kafei Mask
cou - Couple's Mask
tru - Mask of Truth
zor - Zora Mask
kam - Kamaro Mask
gib - Gibdo Mask
gar - Garo Mask
cap - Captain's Hat
gia - Giant's Mask
fie - Fierce Deity Mask
soh - Song of Healing
epo - Epona's Song
sos - Song of Storms
son - Sonata of Awakening
lul - Goron Lullaby
nov - New Wave Bossa Nova
ele - Elegy of Emptiness
oat - Oath to Order
Location codes:
swa - Swamp Spider House Reward
oce - Ocean Spider House Day 1 Reward
ali - Aliens Defense
cre - Cremia
but - Butler
boa - Boat Archery
dam - Dampe Digging
rac - Goron Race
fis - Fisherman Game
ban - Bank Reward #3
bea - Beaver Race #1
gos - Gossip Stones
sea - Seahorses
sm2 - Mountain Smithy Day 2
mid - Midnight Meeting
pos - Postman's Freedom Reward
ka1 - Kafei
ka2 - Curiosity Shop Man #1
ka3 - Curiosity Shop Man #2
poe - Poe Hut
hun - Hungry Goron
lef - Well Left Path Chest
pam - Pamela's Father
gor - Gorman
gro - Grog
dog - Dog Race
iro - Iron Knuckle Chest
tar - Town Archery #1
sar - Swamp Archery #1
bom - Bombers' Hide and Seek
hon - Honey and Darling Any Day
pla - Deku Playground Any Day
bro - Gorman Bros Race
hoo - Hookshot Chest
kam - Kamaro
inv - Invisible Soldier
spi - Ocean Spider House Chest
dar - Woodfall Dark Room
fir - Fire Arrow Chest
ice - Ice Arrow Chest
lig - Light Arrow Chest
Area codes:
clo - Clock Tower Roof
sct - South Clock Town
nct - North Clock Town
wct - West Clock Town
lau - Laundry Pool
ect - East Clock Town
inn - Stock Pot Inn
fie - Termina Field
rsw - Road to Southern Swamp
swa - Southern Swamp
pal - Deku Palace
woo - Woodfall
mil - Milk Road
ran - Romani Ranch
mou - Mountain Village
twi - Twin Islands
gor - Goron Village
psn - Path to Snowhead
gre - Great Bay Coast
cap - Zora Cape
hal - Zora Hall
ext - Pirates' Fortress Exterior
sew - Pirates' Fortress Sewer
int - Pirates' Fortress Interior
pin - Pinnacle Rock
rik - Road to Ikana
gra - Ikana Graveyard
can - Ikana Canyon
shr - Secret Shrine
wel - Beneath the Well
cas - Ikana Castle
sto - Stone Tower
wft - Woodfall Temple
sht - Snowhead Temple
gbt - Great Bay Temple
stt - Stone Tower Temple